We have some great news to share: 13 Hungarian NGO’s will be participating in a long-term cooperation (27 months) and ’learning from each other’ in an organizational development and advocacy process brought to life by DIA.
The new initiative funded by the Norvegian Civil Fund seeks a solution for two problems at a time. The focal issue addressed in DEMO is the increasing democracy deficit and young people’s disinterest in the public sphere which will be tackled through an exchange of experiences and best practices, longer term cooperation, and methodological development. The common feature of the 13 participating NGO’s is that they all work with young volunteers to change the lives of children and young people living in extreme poverty or exclusion and that they all have been rather successful in doing so. However, longer term sustainabilty is an issue for all which will also be addressed throughout the program.
Throughout its 14 years of existence DIA gained a considerable amount of professional experience and acquired methodological knowledge in educating youth for democracy and in the capacity building of young NGO’s and youth initiatives, therefore it’s time for us to develop, discuss, customize and share with others. DEMO provides an excellent oppurtunity for all the above. It is an honor for us to work together with some internationally reknown organizations such as Bagázs,’Dr Ambédkár High School, the Igazgyöngy Foundation, and Pressley Ridge Hungary.
DEMO will create a unique opportunity for all these NGO’s to cooperate, get to know and develop new methods, and solutions. At the end of the process a Youth Service Methodology Knowledge Center will be created accessible to a larger public. We are ready to start.